Review of The Swan

The Swan (2004–2005)
A brave, inspirational, and original idea in television
4 January 2020
I don't watch much TV, and I can't tolerate watching anything more than once, except for The Swan. I would love to see a reboot of this show. It is inspirational how the women change their lives. The reveal is a little dramatic, but the transformations are remarkable and leave the women better off, so I do not understand the hate that some gave this show.

There are very few television shows that uplift, strengthen, and help the participants more than this show. It is truly inspirational to watch. Most of the women were selected specifically because they are dealing with difficulties and trauma. The ones that can use it (which is most) are all helped through counseling during their 3 month transformation, while also supported in good habit formation (regular exercise when not recovering from surgery and eating healthy). The cosmetic operations are just a part of the transformation, but yes, an important part. Apparently people (at least during the time that this came out) do not want to admit that cosmetic surgeries can bring confidence, peace-of-mind, comfort, opportunities, and an overall better quality of life to those that get them, but it is just a fact. I would think that normal, compassionate humans would understand how awesome it is that the show gives the show participants, who are specially selected as people who have struggled, particularly with appearance, an amazing opportunity that transforms them in a way that can bring them more confidence and comfort. We need to see more television like this.
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