The Vision and Tenacity of David O. Selznik
15 January 2020
Regardless of how one feels about the epic movie that serves as its subject, this documentary is a very valuable lesson in the difficulties of film production itself. I rated it higher than the actual film, which might make David O. Selznick turn in his grave. While I very much like the first half of the actual film, I feel that the final two hours don't succeed in sustaining the intense drama and visual spectacle of the first two.

This documentary served to enhance greatly my understanding of and appreciation for the film production that it describes. I very much respect Mr. Selznick for his determination to see the monumental project to its end. I never realized before that a producer could become so emotionally attached and even obsessed by a production. Until seeing this, I always believed that producers were cold, calculating businesspeople who only saw value in the potential profit of a film rather than in its artistic merit. This film proves that I was wrong.

In addition to my gained appreciation for the producer, while I valued many of the cast members who appeared in front of the camera, most notably Vivien Leigh, Hattie McDaniel, and Butterfly McQueen, among others, I also learned to value the substantial contribution of the following individuals who stood behind the camera and out of the limelight: Jack Cosgrove for his impressive special photographic effects, William Cameron Menzies for his production design, including his legendary sketch boards, and, finally, Sidney Howard and Ben Hecht for their respective roles in developing the screenplay. What especially impressed me was Selznick's commitment and phenomenal stamina in seeing the film production to its end.

I also enjoyed glimpses of the various takes of the many competitors for the coveted role of Scarlett O'Hara. I won't list all of the possible Scarletts here, but Paulette Goddard, the favorite, must have been very disappointed when British actress Vivien Leigh, who had only appeared in minor roles of a few unremarkable films before, was chosen for the lead to the surprise of many. It was a brilliant decision as the special radiance and technical ability of Leigh added to the overall visual appeal of the film.

I was fascinated by this documentary as it reveals so many of the daunting challenges that could have prevented the movie from being made at all. It truly enabled me to appreciate the epic film much more than ever before, and David Hinton, the director, is to be commended for his outstanding effort. Thankfully, the documentary is only half the duration of the film itself and never disappointed me as the second half of the actual film did. Even if you don't love "Gone With the Wind", you should see this in order to learn about film production and about the rewards of perseverance and hard work.
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