Headless (I) (2015)
Pretty good for an underground film
18 January 2020
While headless severely lacks a real or understandable plot, having watched it multiple times I still can not tell you what any of the victims real role or point in the film is other than to be killed, and the acting of the 'main characters' if you could call them that were bland and forgettable, the killer skull boy really makes this film for me. I really enjoyed a film that seemed to center more on the killers perspective and this strange warped reality he has that seems to play in with his past not to mention the amount of emotion that you can read off of this character even though he mostly wears a mask and rarely if ever speaks. He is definitely not like most slashers I've seen and seems to be purely sexually driven unlike most who are driven by vengeance or twisted survival.This film brought me back to a feel of classic slasher films with hand made gore props, that raw feeling you don't really get with CGI riddled films now a days. Don't go into this film expecting the best movie ever instead go in expecting a first time low budget film. Its a film you can enjoy for its killer and its gore and more perspective visuals but not its plot.
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