Kathleen (1941)
A heartwarming hidden gem
23 January 2020
I love Kathleen so much, the only way I can think of to express how much is to say it's one of my favorite Shirley Temple movies. If you know me, you know that's quite a compliment. She's a bit older in this one, with her party dresses revealing a bit more than you'd expect, but the story is very similar to those she'd acted in as a child. She's motherless and lives with her workaholic father who often ignores her. Longing for more attention, she tricks her governesses and often runs away from home to spend time with her friends.

The script of Kathleen is sweet, humorous, and heartwarming. She has fantasies about how life could be and imagines her father, Herbert Marshall, declaring that he's quit his job so he can spend every waking minute with her. When her fantasy ends, she merely sits on her bed with a faraway look as she struggles to accept that life isn't what she hoped it would be. Her dearest friend, shopkeeper Felix Bressart, is also given some sweet and sad scenes as he tries to cheer her up. To Felix, Shirley lies and pretends she has a big, loving family, rather than a lonely life at home. They have tea together, and Felix sees through her stories but lets her keep pretending because it's what she needs to do. He even gives her a special music box to play when she's alone and sad.

As wonderful as the story is, and as compelling as Shirley Temple is, to me, the supporting cast makes this movie a true gem. Herbert Marshall is given a chance to show his comedic flair during Shirley's fantasies, and the hired psychologist Laraine Day gives a wonderful layered performance. Like Felix, she also sees through Shirley's antics, and she deals with them differently than the other governesses that came before her. She listens to Shirley with compassion and understands that a pre-teen girl needs a female figure in her life to guide her. Kathleen holds one of my favorite performances of all three supporting actors.

If you like anyone in the cast, or more importantly if you like Shirley Temple and want to give her a chance during her older years, you've got to check out Kathleen. I know you'll love it.
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