About Cherry (2012)
A movie without value or substance
26 January 2020
I was hoping for a story about the challenges of someone doing their best to get by. Something along the lines of how to make hard decisions and then living with the consequences. It could either have been positive and uplifting or a downward spiral into darkness - both are typically interesting to watch. Unfortunately, this movie goes in neither of those directions.

Instead, it's about a girl named Angelina, who admittedly doesn't have an easy home life, but rather than having that bother her or drive her to change her circumstance, she's fairly unphased by it all. On top of that, Angelina is extremely self-centered and completely lacking in anything but the shallowest version of empathy. She appears to be young, naive and innocent, but in reality she just innocently uses people. I had a hard time feeling any sympathy for her and what little I did have dwindled bit by bit as the movie played on.

In summary, 'About Cherry' has no strengths to speak of and more than anything else, seems to be an unnoteworthy account of how some people get by exploiting others in order to make their own life better. There's nothing interesting about the interpersonal relationships and the main character is highly unlikable. My recommendation is to pass on watching this movie and forget that you've ever heard of it.
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