Spoilers? No discernible story, therefore no shocking twists
27 January 2020
This movie is a classic example where Hollywood wants to make a hard-science movie but the director decides to put all the money into the movie without using some to consult any actual scientists. For instance, one character walks into an electrically-powered modern-day laboratory on an uncharted island, takes a look at ONE WHOLE GAUGE and basically says, "WOOOOOOOWWW!!! Your science is the most advanced science in the whole scientific history of sciencey science!!!" (What the guy actually said makes even less sense.) And at the beginning of the movie, he was just a hot-air balloon operator, but later on, he's spearheading the project like he pulled a Tony Stark and mastered it all overnight. And what's more visually sciencey than Jacob's Ladders and Tesla coils shooting electricity into the air for no discernible reason than to channel ridiculous old B-movies that wanted to be sciencey, but also didn't hire consulting scientists? And they invoke the OH SO PUBLIC DOMAIN names of Victor Frankenstein and the Van Helsing family to draw people in, even though all they do is just drop their names in one scene. Well, except for the titular monster, can't have a Frankenstein movie without him, and they make the actor portray the monster too energetically as if it were hopped up on amphetamines. (And the role is essentially a cameo.) And what is the deal with the hologram of an old man whinging on about some nebulous golden thread and some unspecified power, The Power, THE POWER!!! Is he a scientist or is he having a stroke? And, of course, can't have a movie this close to the '70s without hot chicks in leopard-print bikinis Baywatch-running around and distracting you from the movie not not having any plot, but also not having any comprehensible story at all. I don't think they even hired stuntmen, because what is supposed to be a huge fight scene just looks like so much ugly dad-dancing...
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