Great leads, but bland and predictable
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After a strong beginning and getting to know the protatonists, the plot soon comes down to the usual slimy blubbering demons who love funny voices and to rant and rave in Latin (why are they always so educated?) and the one and only good people in the world (Roman Catholic priests - seriously lol?) fighting them with fire, brimstone and melodramatic posturing.

The worst demon finally (most slimy, dirty and grimy) is called Jungler. Can you believe it? As the boring ending is only about the leads pompously reciting Bible quotes and throwing their hands meaningfully in the air, this one actually had me chuckling.

What is that demons story or mission? We never get to know, except that it originates from Iraq, so of course it loves to invade American homes.

The protagonists never rise above the level of stock characterizations (the handsome but tormented young rebel priest who got saved by Catholicism, the tough but sensitive cop whose biggest mistake in life was to kill a serial child murderer instead of letting him marsh to his death sentence), and while the dialogues are well written, they never get very meaningful either, and in the end it turns into one big ad for the Catholic church who fights evil (read slimy stinky things lurking in the dark). Great. Did the Vatican finance this?

So why did I watch it till the end? First, the detailed, nuanced photography and sets are great and a pleasure to watch. Second, the two male leads are not only a pleasure to watch, but also to observe in how these two actors masterfully breathe air into their dull characters. Great craftsmanship.

But, I really would not recommend it otherwise. Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer - so you should know what to expect.
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