Baddies do bad things, and get caught.
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Routine, 'get what you pay for' cops and robbers cheapie, featuring all the usual clichés, plot holes, and cardboard characters that you would expect. Lyn Marsden (Maureen Connell), avenging her copper brother's death, goes undercover in the villains habitats. Fortunately, this turns out be unbelievably easy since, as soon as she arrives at their dodgy night club, she bumps into the manager, Sam (Bill Nagy), who offers her a job virtually immediately. The job is so non-specific that she is able to do it by sitting at the bar, and flirting with Mr Big (Alan Tilvern), while the clientele are entertained by exotic singers and dancers who are as exotic and talented as Butlin's Redcoats. There is, of course, a clueless detective in the background, telling Lyn that she shouldn't be mixing with these hard men, whilst happily letting her do it. The dead copper - killed in the most unconvincing hit and run you will see - had also been working undercover with the baddies, yet all the info Lyn unearths seems to be news to the plods. Anyway, teetotal Sam becomes a drunkard when Lyn gets friendly with the boss, then her cover gets blown and she is tied up on a boat, the boss decides it's time to flee, the cops converge on the boat, there is a fist fight, and the baddies shop each other, confess, and get arrested. Done and dusted in an hour, nothing makes too much sense, but you've seen plenty like it.
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