A touching, human story of trauma, survival and strength
27 February 2020
Saw this great film last night and it is amazing the hard work that Director/ Actor Marc Zammit has achieved with this film. A touching human story of Frankie as he survives the struggles of being homeless in modern Britain and trying to get by with very little prospects.

There are many strengths in Zammit's directional debut. Each actor gives a strong performance, bringing life to characters that each represent a sense of pain or loss. An urge just to get by and survive to the next day. You can tell in performer connected with their character and through that gave them life and a voice.

I have to give a shout out to the cinematography of Richard Oakes, who makes in shot exuberant and majestic, with certain shots standing out from Chico finding a young Frankie to the one of the films more comedic scenes.

Marc and co. have truly put their blood, sweat and tears as well as passion in making this four year project come to life and give a voice to those who are ignored or deemed invisible. Homeless Ashes is proof the impact that a independent film can have on an audience, especially within a saturated market of big budget franchises. A film of our time and will raise awareness of the homeless situation in the UK and hopefully inspire people to share to those who have very little.

Go see this film.
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