As a past president of my local NAABP chapter . . .
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . (that is, the National Association for the Advancement of Butter Products), I was excited to see this title included among a five-disc "Superman and Friends" set I ordered from a public library. Butter is one of my life-long avocations, largely because of the original picture book version of this cautionary tale. I had long assumed that EVERY copy of this tawny fable in ANY format had long since been destroyed due to the Political Correctness edicts of The New World Order running amuck. However, my momentary elation swiftly changed to abject chagrin when I attempted to play this animated short and the disc stuck immediately, skipping back to "Main Menu." Fortunately, a quick spray and polish with Windex allowed my family to savor every second of this brief cartoon--TWICE! On the minus side, I cannot rate this variation of the legend as a "10," because it substitutes molasses (and coconuts) as the main featured foods, replacing the Badger State's Official Sandwich Spread: specifically, Pure Grade A All-American Butter! Just remember: you'll never see a tiger chase its tail until it turns into "margarine!"
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