Calamity Arliss
20 March 2020
That is admittedly a clumsy attempt at a witty review summary in reference to the title and the situation depicted. This in no way implying or indicating that 'A Successful Calamity' is a bad film or that Arliss is bad. It is actually the complete opposite on both counts. The title was interesting as was the premise, providing that it didn't become silly or preachy considering the type of story it has. Mary Astor was always worth watching too.

'A Successful Calamity' to me was hugely entertaining and a big success. It definitely lives up to its name. A fine example of how to make a calamitous event entertaining and engaging without being too broad or vulgar, going too far on the silliness, exhausting from being over-engineered or heavy-handed. It is a fine example of how talented an actor Arliss was, whether comedic or dramatic (his wonderful performance in 'The Man Who Played God' (or 'The Silent Voice' for some) is another fine example of his high standard) and why it is sad that he didn't make more films.

Maybe 'A Successful Calamity' is a touch rushed at the end when trying to hastily wrap things up.

Did think too that a couple of the younger actors are no match for the more accomplished ones, a very young (and here fairly forgettable) Randolph Scott certainly went on to much better things since.

Arliss however is nothing short of marvellous, his facial expressions are so varied, so telling and such a joy to watch without being theatrical. Astor, looking beautiful, is also very good in a role that she is well suited for. Grant Mitchell is good fun in a role that suits him well. John G. Adolfi directs deftly, need to see more of his work but have so far been impressed by what had been seen, he directs sensitively and smartly here without being too laid back or letting things get over the top.

Visuals are not expansive, not necessarily for this kind of film, but it doesn't feel too much of a filmed play or confined despite the very intimate (but not overly so) setting. The script is snappy and witty, while also being light-hearted. Nothing over-serious or crass here. The story is deftly handled, with the moralising not being laid on too thick. Faltering only near the end.

Concluding, very enjoyable and for Arliss particularly. 8/10
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