Plays to Fischer's strengths
24 March 2020
This film is really right in Jenna Fischer's wheelhouse. The cute woman who needs the man to give her the confidence to really be herself. She may be codependent, but she's not, however, desperate.

The movie juxtaposes Fischer's character's dating options against one another. On one hand, Topher Grace is the relatively successful writer who seems like Mr. Right. On the other hand, we find failing street artist Chris Messina as the titular Giant Mechanical Man.

We know who we hope she picks, and it doesn't change over time like the choice in Reality Bites has so clearly flip-flopped back to Ben Stiller over Ethan Hawk. Much like that flick, this one is a groovy indie that leaves us with a clear choice having been made with no idea what the future holds for either couple. But how is that different than in real life? We all have no actual idea about how anything will turn out now; or likely for a long time.

Stay safe and healthy and, most importantly, STAY HOME until this coronavirus situation has passed.
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