The Wrong Kind of Wrong
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To anyone who is in touch with the realities of life, this movie is beyond stupid. I get that a movie is supposed to be an escape from said reality however, that does not mean basic values should be thrown out the window. I knew exactly what I was in for but sat through it to see how deep the stupid ran and it really did run deep!

The main character is basically a bum who is completely disconnected from the realities of life - a failed writer (seeing how he lives his life, no wonder) and dishwasher (nothing wrong with being a dishwasher but it doesn't seem like he is trying to get anywhere in life). Wife leaves him because he is pretty much a bum and she's doing way better than he is.

Days/weeks later, he sees a bride at her wedding and it's 'love' at first sight. No. NO! That's 5th grade infatuation. Sends the wrong message. First of all, she is MARRIED. I should stop there but even if she was not married, she has done nothing for him, NOTHING for him to be 'in love' with her. In the real world, this is how you get friednzoned (at best). You never get a girl this way - ever. All this does if feed weak male behavior.

So he crashes the wedding and ASKS HER OUT. What? Seriously, who thought this was a cute thing to do?? That starts off a series of absolutely cringe worthy attempts on his part to get her attention. Again, she is MARRIED. If he had put HALF the effort into sorting out his life, he would have been able to get..... ah forget it!

So the woman. WOW. She had the so called perfect husband, who gave her everything. When his parents gave them a house (because they are rich like that) she gave him the whole 'we haven't earned it' speech. Finally, when she breaks it off with the husband (because his methods of trying to defend his marriage from the dude who did not understand that his wife was MARRIED to him didn't comply with her 'morals'), she tells said delusional dude that her husband will not come after her because he is afraid she will take HALF OF EVERYTHING. Now, did she stop to think if she had earned this??? LOL do you SEE THE PROBLEM?

People like this should NOT be portrayed as good people. Disturbing a marriage because you love one of them is NOT cute.

In summary;

Main character; Delusional, immature bum portrayed as this dreamer. His love interest; Immoral, unfaithful and..... you'll get it if you can bare to sit through this trash. Villain/Husband; The actual good guy who probably dodged a bullet - that woman is another guys problem now!

They should make a part two where she leaves this dumb mf at THEIR wedding lmao.

Men - if she left someone else for you, she will leave you for someone else. Don't get played.

RANT over!
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