A Little TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE, A Little Sergio Leone
18 April 2020
More like Zatoichi Fights Yojimbo, and there's an awful lot for them to fight over when the blind masseur returns to a small town he remembers fondly, only to find it over run with Yakuza. There's the town itself, of course, and a kindly geisha, and a lot of gold dust.

It's not the Yojimbo (literally 'Bodyguard') of Kurosawa's famous movie. The fans were expecting to see that, and they got another of Toshiro Mifune's samurai. That made it the most successful of all the Zatoichi movies.

As I mentioned, Zatoichi was a wandering blind masseur. He was also a master of fighting with the sword cane, not in the least hampered by his lack of sight. FOr more than a quarter of a century, Shintarô Katsu played the role in more than two dozen movies and exactly one hundred episodes of a TV show.He retired from the big and little screens in 1990, and died in 1997, aged 65.
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