Review of Good Burger

Good Burger (1997)
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2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Good Burger" was not a movie for me. Kids might find it appealing because of one of the characters and the stupid things he does, but this movie was awful. It's based on a popular skit from the Nickelodeon Cable TV Show, "All That." The main characters, one dumber than the other, are portrayed by Kenan & Kal. As I said, kids might find the movie appealing, but this is one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. It mostly has to do with the characters that are just plain weird, including an unstable burger cook called Spatch (Ron Lester) that eat flies, and the main villain is simply embarrassing to watch. Aside from that, I didn't laugh once, and adults will find themselves waiting for the end of the movie very fast.

It's about a high school student, Dexter (Kenan Thompson), who wrecks his mother's car in an accident, and his teacher, Mr. Wheat (Sinbad), ends up getting his car hit. To avoid trouble because he does not have a driver's license, Mr. Wheat allows him to pay for the damages. Needing a summer job, Dexter meets fast-food employee, Ed (Kal Mitchell), who gets him a job at the Burger Joint he works at, Good Burger. Soon after, a rival restaurant, Mondo Burger, opens up across the street, the owner sees to have Good Burger close its doors forever.

I don't even know where to begin with this, but it's about a Burger Joint, so I guess I can start there. Good Burger is a small burger restaurant in an urban landscape, and we're not told where but the sunny downtown location suggests California. All the employees seem to have been there for a long time, and Ed is one of them who works the counter and always seems to be late for work. He greets customers with "Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?" He grunts whenever he talks for some reason, and he is very good at annoying customers.

It opens with Ed getting out of bed, and I'm assuming he lives with his parents based on his bedroom. He gets out of bed with his uniform on and takes a shower with the said uniform on. As he is rollerblades to work, he drags a kid behind him and crashes into a lady and carries her baby off before he rolls through the restaurant doors, flips over the counter and irritates a customer into leaving. I don't get the Ed character. He is either stupid or a little off. There is a scene where a customer argues with him because he ordered a burger with nothing on it, and Ed gives him just a bun. The customer expected a meat patty as anyone would, and Ed argues a meat patty is "something" before the customer tells him to go to hell. That's just one of the moments of Ed being weird.

Most of the humour in the film attempts to come from Ed's stupid actions and his idiocy. It's no surprise that they got NBA legend Shaq in the movie. "Kazaam" was awful, and Shaq seems to be popping up everywhere now. When Ed and Dexter deliver a burger to him, he asks for tomatoes and Ed pulls a Tomato out of his pocket and says, "consider yourself tomatoed." See what I mean by weird? Shaq at least acknowledges that he strangely pulls a tomato out of his pocket, and he says, "You're not like other people, are you?" and Ed just grunts and looks confused.

Dexter's not very smart either, and I don't understand why one of the characters could not be smart. He shows up in class on his last day of high school and crashes the car shortly after. Why Dexter hit is not his fault, and you can figure who causes the accident. When he gets the job to pay for the damages, he and Ed become good friends, and that's where the plot of the movie starts, but it doesn't get any better. When the neo-nazi manager of the Mondo Burger restaurant, Kurt (Jan Schwieterman), shows up, he's an embarrassing joke and always refers to himself in the second person. His employees are like army recruits, and he treats them like garbage. His two assistants are horribly acted and also embarrassing. Eventually, Ed is discovered to have a secret sauce of some sort that he makes himself and, of course, Kurt schemes to steal it.

One of the strangest sequences in the film has Ed, Dexter and another employee, Otis (Abe Vigoda), trapped in an insane asylum called Demented Hills, which isn't offensive at all. Kurt initially tries to steal the sauce but decides to put shark poison in it instead. Somehow, he has connections to people who run a crazy house somewhere in the city. The worst part of the film is a goofy dance-off scene that has to be the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen committed to celluloid. Ed and the patients dance to a song by funk legend, George Clinton, who they somehow got in the movie. I have mentioned already about Ed being weird, and I didn't know what to say when he and Dexter dress in drag to infiltrate Mondo Burger. They sneak in to try and find out why the restaurant's burgers are bigger, and the result is, of course, illegal. When they get caught, their disguises get ripped off of them, and Ed is wearing ladies' underwear, and he seems to be confused when they are all stunned seeing him wearing that. Is this supposed to be funny?

To understand this movie, it's for kids between 5 and 8 years old. I'm sure they may like the film better than I did and the Ed character because he is an idiot. I thought there was something wrong with him. He is innocent at the core, but I couldn't handle his stupidity after he chases his butt. I get that it's attempting to make kids laugh, and it probably will. It's a kids movie through, and through and It's quite colourful with the zaniness, but it didn't do it for me and the adults taking their kids to see it will probably feel the same way I did.

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