Classic Shaw Brothers Kung Fu Drama!!
10 May 2020
Director Sun Chung, who brought us classics such as Human Lanterns, A Fistful Of Talons and more, delivers a colourful, kung-fu filled epic full of great characters, beautiful sets and costumes, and top performances from its main cast - especially Ti Lung and Ku Feng!

Wonderfully remade in 1992 by Chui Fat, this original Shaw Brothers tale is a little more light-hearted but without being silly, and while its characters (especially the eagles) may seem like they've just stepped out of a panto, its all really played quite serious. The eagles in question include Ti Lung himself, as the renegade member, Johnny Wang Lung Wei, Eddy Ko, Dick Wei, and a host of other recognisable faces. They are led by the wonderful Ku Feng from Killer Constable, Rob-B-Hood, and the most of the Shaw Brothers library. He has brought the eagles up as killers, having kidnapped them as kids, teaching them nothing but fear and fighting.

While Sun Chung has provided us with some fantastic films, he never seemed to get as much praise as the legendary Lau Kar Leung or Chang Cheh did. I've always found his work offers something a little different to the others, with more on-location shots and an edgier look to his films. The Avenging Eagle offers plenty in terms of kung-fu action, with long-time Shaw's action directors Tong Gaai and Wong Pau Gei providing choreography.

The Avenging Eagle won Best Editing for Drama at the Golden Horse Awards of its time, offering some beautiful cinematography, and a tight script blending love, revenge, redemption, and brotherhood told in a series of flashbacks from both leads, Ti Lung and Fu Sheng as they make their way towards their destiny...

All-in-all, this is classic Shaw Brothers fun that is well paced and fight-filled, with the fight at the inn being one of my favourites. The epic 15 minute finale, that sees Ku Feng donning some iron claws to take on our heroes, is one of the best (non-Venom/non-Lau Kar Leung) end fights to come out of the studio!

Overall: Highly recommended for old-school kung-fu fans, Avenging Eagle is well worth the watch!
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