Dare Me (2019–2020)
A decent watch, intriguing and engaging but no ground breaking
18 May 2020
So first off, this is nothing like Euphoria so ignore those comparisons otherwise you will be very, very disappointed. The only things they have in common are; they used characters who actually look like they really could be in high school and it's more gritty and relatable (at least until the latter eps). The show is a decent watch, not your typical high school drama. Its engaging, but I wouldn't say it's a must watch although I enjoyed it. Not all the characters are developed well but Herizen is brilliant in her role. The show goes a bit wayward and left field around episode 8, I'm still struggling to understand the relationship between the coach and the girls, especially as there appears to be no real rationale behind it... I'm not sure they quite pull it off... I'd watch season 2 if it came out though. I think teens and young adults will enjoy it but I understand why people are undecided about this one.
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