De Sica's first masterpiece
19 May 2020
Made during the second world war in Italy, this film got limited exposure due to the chaotic and turbulent period in which it was made. But it deserves far more attention than it got.

The film is largely told from the point of view of Prico, a small boy who has to suffer the consequences of his parents' rocky relationship. De Sica was one of the greatest directors ever to work in cinema and in this first of his four masterpieces he demonstrates where his strengths lie. Few directors have had his ability to get the audience to identify with the main characters. His handling of children actors is second to none (they are never cute and coy and always put in believable performances). Scenes of every day mundane events are included for the sake of keeping rhythm and to show that life is made up of such little things. His sense of framing is always top-notch and the scripts (often written in conjunction with the great Cesare Zavattini) are well thought out.

It's a hard-to-find film, but it's well worth searching far and wide for it.
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