Hijack! (1973 TV Movie)
Apart from the plot being illogical....no wait...it's just completely illogical!!
30 May 2020
Why wouldn't such important stuff be better protected?? why would they hire a man who lost his license?? not logical unless the company WANTS it stolen or its a decoy you'd think they'd get cops sooner with a co-driver and important load, why stop at motel? 40-50 shots until stopping truck! truck versus helicopter only good is final punch

The plot for "Hijack!" is bizarre and seldom makes a lot of sense. Even when the ending supposedly explains everything...it still is confusing and nonsensical. It just goes to show you that not every made for TV film of the 70s is worth seeing, as this one has more holes than a ton of Swiss cheese!

David Janssen plays a down and out semi truck driver. He's recently lost his license and is in dire straits. So, it seems like a godsend when he's approached with a deal that is just too good to be true....to transport a shipment to Houston for ten times the normal rate!! He is told that his cargo is vitally important to the US government and he's encouraged to bring along a co-driver....another down and outer (Keenan Wynn).

Soon after they leave, it's obvious that they are being followed. And, it's soon apparent that these folks mean to do them harm. And, when the various attempts on their lives fail, the baddies respond by sending a helicopter after the shipment!!

Over and over again, I found myself thinking "why did they go that?" or "why didn't they do that?"...and I am sure everyone watching the film thought the same things. Such as, why not go to the police sooner? When the first cops seemed indifferent, why not find other cops? Why not park the vehicle at a police station or National Guard Armory? Why not contact the FBI? Why, why, why, why??? I could come up with many more whys but the bottom line is that I felt that the film insulted the viewer because it left so many plot holes in the script. It also was an insult to Janssen and Wynn, as they gave it their best but the script was just junk. A really bad film because a comprehensible script IS necessary when you make a picture!
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