Malta Story (1953)
Malta the brave
16 June 2020
Malta went through absolute hell in WW2. An extremely and understated strategic island, the country was reduced to absolute rubble by the Germans and Italians. It had been part of the British Empire and so Britain already had bases there before the war, but by 1942, the British troops stationed there found themselves trapped in one of the most important struggles of the war. The Siege of Malta is not as well known as it should be, but this film presents a fair portrayal of it, centering around the story of a reconnaissance photographer for the RAF played by Alec Guinness who arrives on the island and finds himself stuck in the middle of it; as the country suffers one of its daily bombing raids by the Axis powers, he seeks shelter underground and a young woman catches his attention. So we have our customary love story thrown in to the mix, as the British command on the island prepare for a German land invasion as the air raids intensify.

Excellent stock footage is compiled here and it was filmed on location in the beautiful country of Malta, which really lends this film an authentic and unique feel as the Siege of Malta is really lacking in the World War Two movie library. Narrative wise it is very average but overall Malta deserved recognition for the George Cross they earned for their resilience in the war and this film gives it that. History wise it adds up and the film does a good job in that sense. Alex Guinness holds his own as a very educated man who has zero interest in the war, lamenting the gorgeous island and it's history and how he cannot enjoy it.
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