A lovely James Bond spoof with heart and spirit...
30 June 2020
"From Beijing With Love" (aka "Gwok chaan Ling Ling Chat") turned out to be a very enjoyable Hong Kong action comedy that stars Stephen Chow.

Needless to say that a movie that stars Stephen Chow is bound to be enjoyable. There is just something about his movies and the characters he portrays that is highly enjoyable and entertaining. And "From Beijing With Love" was no different.

This is a wonderful spoof on the "James Bond" movies, but with a Hong Kong comedy twist to it. And it works out quite well, truth be told. It is a combination of a good storyline, interesting characters and nice acting performances that really brings this movie to its potential.

There is a good amount of comedy in the movie. Of course there is, as this is a movie with Stephen Chow in the leading role. But "From Beijing With Love" also has enough action and drama to make it interesting. And the mixture works out quite well in favor of the movie.

"From Beijing With Love" definitely is a remarkable movie from actor Stephen Chow, no doubt about that.

My rating from this 1994 movie from directors Stephen Chow and Lik-Chi Lee lands on a seven out of ten stars. I was highly entertained by the movie and was enjoying what transpired on the screen. High recommendable if you have an interest in the light-hearted side of Hong Kong cinema.
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