The Reliant (2019)
Oh lordy lord lord!
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oy vey, where to begin?

So this movie sucks. It's not so much that it makes no it doesn't make any sense. So, I read the reviews and thought it sounded too bad to be true. In some ways it isn't. The production is meh. There's scenes indoors where the audio sucks as you here an echo. The acting sucked at times. One guy straight up couldn't act to save his life. Another guy shot a rifle and the mimed recoil was so obvious that it physically hurt me to watch the scene.

The notion of gun porn mentioned in the user reviews is bunk. There's maybe 6 different guns shown. They don't worship the guns and they are so stupid as to have a safe that cannot be opened without a key AND a combination. Not one or the other, both. Might be secure, but we all know that when you need them over-complication spells your demise. They even based a large part of the story around this.

The real issue is the ending. The reliance, heh see what I did there, on faith isn't so out of the realm of what's believable under the given situation, but they overdo it. They push it way too far. Then at the end they slap you in the face with it. The use of Faith as a pun didn't make it any better either. Kevin Sorbo has been in a lot of faith based stuff as of late. I expected this since the first time I saw the trailer. That being said, holy lord that was stupid. The foundation of the story isn't terrible. It really just derails in the bad guy's epiphany and subsequent motivations. After that everyone and everything goes full r*****. People relying on their faith to get them through tough times is a tried and true concept. It is rooted in reality. They just lost their minds in the telling of it. People can forgive a lot in the way of acting issues, bad gun play, and bad tactics, but the motivations all have to make sense. A random baptism just doesn't. I mean, ffs that was the moment I just had to close the tab. I don't care how moronic it got after, that was bad enough.

There were other things too. The mom randomly shows up again after being captured and disappearing. No explanation as to how she was saved. The one guy shows up again just strolling around with one of the guys who attacked them in the first place. This one I can sort of excuse as old alliances and beefs may or may not disappear when the shtf. They kill a deer by jumping down onto it with a spear. I'm no expert but that can't be a common practice, to just stand on top of a downed tree that's maybe 6 feet off the ground, wait for a deer to walk below you while you are in full view, and then to successfully skewer it with your pointy stick. Then there's the band of friends. They've killed people. The fiance gets attacked in the master bedroom. They barely get him out of that fight alive. Then when the attacker is unconscious on the floor, they don't end the threat?

Like I said, makes no sense. They took something that could have been good and made it terrible. As an agnostic I can tolerate preaching, but I cannot tolerate bad writing.
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