Review of Too Far Gone

The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone (2013)
Season 4, Episode 8
The final showdown between Rick and The Governor, a phenomenal episode
10 July 2020
Too Far Gone is in my opinion one of the best episodes in The Walking Dead. Some people argue about that Rick's group lose their home too much and that is true but you have to see the reality behind it, the Farm got overrun whilst people destroyed the Prison as unfortunately people and this case Philip 'The Governor' wants revenge and a safe place to live and we know people can be dangerous.

This episode has some of the best acting of the season, Andrew Lincoln and David Morrissey has the strongest performances and it should be them who shine as it's ultimately between their characters. Like how the focus is against Rick and Negan in the All Out War story arc. We know from the previous season and this that Rick was almost too far gone and Philip is too far gone, so the showdown between them is on a physical and psychological level and it makes for some magnificent drama.

From the technical stand point of the episode, it was wonderfully directed by Ernest R. Dickerson. He's one of those directors that always does a great job and captures the true vision of what The Walking Dead should be, he has an eye for the story and script. Whilst Michael E. Satrazemis was the cinematography of this episode and it was nicely handled. So many nice and great shots! The editing was also fantastic, it flowed so well. The different perspectives and all the action. Well done. The mud zombie, just wow. Greg Nicotero continues to create some fascinating zombies. The whole makeup and special effects department did an excellent job.

This has to be on the top five best mid-season finales if not on top three, it's an episode you will never forget, it's memorable in that way, from who it was that died and the how action packed it was. There's good and bad action but the best is meaningful and impactful, this was meaningful action that has consequences for each single character. What a superb mid-season finale.
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