Review of G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe (1985–1986)
Force of Action
10 July 2020
This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time. I was a kid in the 80's and I'm a fan of the G.I. Joe franchise, from that impressive toy line with all those vehicles. The comic book series, the Marvel and Image/DDW run to be specific, the current run from IDW is solid even though it hits and misses. Video games like the two NES games though my favorite on is the arcade game from Konami. Then there were those two live action films which I thought were decent, though yeah could be better (hopefully the upcoming ones will be). Though I mainly got into G.I. Joe because I was fascinated by all the 80's action films and TV shows like "MacGyver", "The A Team" and others, this animated show added to that fix and more.

The animation I personally thought is great, it's sort of the same style that was used on a couple of other Hasbro show properties "Transformers" and "Jem and the Holograms" but that fine by my I don't want it any other way. I like the design of the background, vehicle but mainly of the characters that look human, at times you can almost forget your watching an animated program.

The action is solid, it is just awesome as it's well choreographed and has more explosions than a Michael Bay film (thankfully he didn't do a live action film of this). Yeah, it's true despite all the shooting we never see anyone hit anyone which I'll admit as a kid I found strange, it's almost like you could just simply drop your gun and walk right into the firing without a worry in the world. Of course, we couldn't see anyone actually kill anyone since this was a kids show, so that couldn't be helped but that didn't deter anything in a way it just added to the charm of the show. Then there is also fist a cuff battles as well as some vehicular action to the mix.

And of course, there is the music which is just fantastic, this show has some of the best music I've every heard in a TV series. From some action tracks during the episodes but mainly that theme song which has to me one of the best darn intros in any TV show and makes me wish the TV shows we have now have creative intros again. Where it's an ongoing action scenario which in a way perfectly sums up most of the show, telling you your in for big action. Of course, I remember those PSAs at the end of the episode which I always find amusing but also educational as they are informative of real danger and of course there is that famous last line.

Though to me what the real ammo of the show are the characters and the storylines. All the characters aren't quite deep but are surprisingly all really solid and cool for both sides, though the only bad thing is a few might be underused like Snake Eyes sadly. Though that's understandable as the toy line has a giant roster so it can't be helped. But all of them have distinctive personality and even some bits of depth to round them out.

But most importantly showed how human these people are, it's almost easy at times to forget your watching animated characters. Personally I like seeing this, it just goes to show that despite action heroes they were human beings and doing things that normal humans would do which made the characters a bit relatable and easy to emphasize and get behind with. This at times can make the show (even the comic series) a bit like a soap opera but in a good way because for one this series is actually good where most to all soaps are bore fests where nothing really happens.

I'll just say a few of my favorite characters on the show. Flint and Lady Jaye, this two are one of my favorite fictional couples. It made sense we would have this as the 80's was full of a lot of these romantic danger duo shows like "Moonlighting" as you can say predated others with danger duos like "Castle" and "Blindspot".

Anyway both are really solid, Flint is sort of like Jason Scott/Red Ranger from "Power Rangers" as he is just the strong and confident leader, I really love that he has sort of this touch and dry charisma which makes he all the more cool.

Lady Jaye is also cool and kind of one of my favorite femme fatales as she is a strong woman that knows Martial Arts and is armed with Javelins. Like with Green Arrow and Hawkeye each of those Javelins do different things like some are explosive tipped and one can extend further to act as a pole vault, how the heck she knows which is which when she pulls one of them out is anyone's guess. Though the only disappoint is she doesn't use them enough. Her characters have charisma but is also has a bit of an impulsiveness which is both a strength and weakness as she can get too far ahead of herself or get too close to trouble.

Whenever both are together I feel is when the show can be at it's best. It's always fun seeing the back and forth between them as they both balance each other out but also you can just feel the chemistry between them is almost hotter than the firefights and battles there in.

Shipwreck this character is awesome, he is sort could be an animated equivalent to Bruce Campbell if he ever did an animated show. Much like with Campbell this guy just has some of the best lines and wise cracks. I like that this guy is really aggressive as he acts most of the time before he thinks which is understandable as lets face it if your ever in a intense battle you have your lucky to manage a micro second of though.

He doesn't take crap from Cobra or anyone but is always ready and willing to get into action, as well as willing to fight anyone no matter the odds which never bother him even if they logically are against him. Even like that there is this little thing he has for Cover Girl, and both have a fun bit of a back and forth too, it's funny whenever she gives him a hard time more or less rightfully so. The only disappoint was that it was never developed enough which is one weak point for the show. Maybe if there was a third season, they could of but that didn't happen so oh well.

The Baroness she is a villainous I don't hate and one of my favorite femme fatales. I remember as a kid (I said I was a kid mind you) other than any of the other females on the show, this was the one I just had an absolute crush on despite being on the other end of the spectrum. What can I say I have a thing for bad girls you can say this goes with what Steve Urkel once said "I'm crazy about you kid , I know your poison but I have no antidote." yeah that sums it up.

There is just a lot to like about this girl from that black cat like suit that just form fits her body just oozes danger and sexiness. The glasses she wears which do nothing to hide her beauty, but you could say increases it more, show how sharp and smart she is which I always find attractive. She sly a spy for Cobra as she's most of the time in disguise gathering intel, sabatosh and infiltration. Can hold her own against danger but also has some sharp charisma and a bit of dark humor. I even like that with her there is this sense of warmth to her, which makes you feel she isn't all bad and there is something more going on inside her.

The storylines are really good this show has some really memorable and creative stories which are in a way pulp action at its best as we see a slight mix of genre in the show and you could say essence as most pulp action stories of yesteryear were never concerned about the rules and were more concerned about fun and adventure.

Each of the episodes was always something different, it was the episodic format but that worked to its benefit because you never knew where the next battlefield was going to take place or even be. I even like that the show tend to focus on certain characters or a singular character which really helped that particular character or set of character get rounded out but also shows how this series isn't just about teams as a whole but the people that make that team.

Though my favorite ones were the arcs because from the stretched length there was more intrigue and elaboration on the plots which made you really feel a lot was a stake but also put certain characters to the test which made you feel their lives were truly at stake and the importance of their victory because they may not get another chance.

Three favorites of mine are "World's Without End" which predates the TV show "Fringe" as the Joes venture into a dangerous alternate world where they've lost the war. "There's No Place Like Springfield" this sort of predated the film "Jacob's Ladder" (I said sort of) where Shipwreck thinks he's living the suburban life, but nothing is what it seems. Computer Complications this is one that is sort of a neo noir as it's about two souls that share deep feelings for each other despite on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

G.I. Joe is a vintage animated classic that is a full metal jacket full of action, adventure and fun. Also remember knowing is half the battle.

Rating: 4 stars
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