Good Film Analysis of Life
19 July 2020
This was my final movie on Danielle Harris' movies binge. She's literally only in the opening scene. I assume this movie is based on a stage play from how it's filmed similar to the movie Fences starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. There are literally three characters or four if you include the female bartender. This movie stars my favorite version of Lex Luthor himself, John Shea as Robert, Lea Thompson as his ex wife Emily, and Danielle Harris as their daughter Jenny who has become recently engaged. Their daughter's engagement causes the former couple to meet up and have a dinner where they spend the night analyzing their lives and their relationship.

I respect movies like this especially when the dialogue and writing is pretty good. Emily is a successful writer married to a rich husband she's bored with. Robert is the struggling artist living in a tiny apartment and having one night stands with women young enough to be his daughter including the female bartender. The movie analyzing their marriage, what led to their breakup, their daughter's life, aging, success, and even Robert being conflict avoidant to even discourage his daughter from marrying a man who he believes is her fail safe. This movies makes the viewer take a reflection of where they are in their lives and are they truly happy. Is it wise to continue pursuing a dream if you're still struggling to make ends meet? Is success based on luck or chance? Their conversation even causes Robert to question his place in life as a single middle-aged man or was it wise for him to give up on their marriage. One of the final moments of the film was the realistic choice Robert had to make. It's one thing to live in the moment. It's another thing to deal with the consequences after living in the moment.

I figure it was going to be a movie based on stage play based on watching the trailer. I'm not for sure. I'm only assuming based on how the movie was filmed. But I appreciate these films because it reminds us to take a breather and reflect on where we are in our lives. If you like movies like Fences (2016), Before We Go (2014), Closer (2004), or Before Sunrise (1995) and its sequel Before Sunset (2004), you'll enjoy this film because it's based on the strength of the writing and its delivery from the actors. However, if you don't like stage play type films with only a limited number of sets, no action scenes and the actors simply talking to one another and expressing their feelings and emotions through words, then you should skip it. I really enjoyed this film. Would recommend and watch again.
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