Wicked Woman (1953)
Lust and deceit
21 July 2020
There was no specific reason for watching 'Wicked Woman'. It wasn't this time one of those films that was part of a completest quest to see everything available of certain actors, actresses and directors that left a big impression on me. Which has been my biggest reason many times. This time it was the very intriguing idea for the story (good concepts is another major reasons as well as talented casts) and the appetising title, as well as the IMDb recommendation, that drew me into seeing it.

'Wicked Woman' is above average, more than watchable fun with a fair share of good things, if not much more than that. It entertains, intrigues and the atmosphere is done just about right. Plus it has one heck of a lead performance. One did deserve a generally much better film, with better production values, a more developed plot and a better leading man. By all means, 'Wicked Woman' does do a lot right. It just didn't wow me and with the concept it could easily have done.

Beverly Michaels is the main reason to see 'Wicked Woman'. She is sensual, deliciously wicked and has a steely intensity that is perfect for her hard to forget role. Percy Helton is another draw, having a lot of fun as a very convincing slimeball. The music doesn't enhance as such the action but it is not at odds with the action and fits with the atmosphere. It is more than competently directed.

As well as tautly and intriguingly scripted, that doesn't have too much extraneous fat. The story pulled me in enough, isn't too obvious and has a good amount of tension, especially towards the end with a surprisingly violent confrontation.

Sadly against all of that, 'Wicked Woman' does look cheap and, other than Michaels' knockout wardrobe and some atmospheric lighting, the low budget and hurried time constraints show in the stagy settings and less than smooth editing. The film did need in my view a much longer length, to make the story more complete. Some good ideas are not properly explored.

Moreover, as mentioned by some the ending is truly ridiculous and rings completely false. May be biased though perhaps, being a non-fan of this type of ending. Richard Egan struck me as rather bland as an underwritten character.

In summary, above average but a better and potentially very good film was in there somewhere. 6/10
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