Review of Denmark

Denmark (2019)
a very nice tragycomedy
26 July 2020
Well, ive been often thinking the same thing, that if i was a bum or hobo, lurking the streets here in fennoscandia, i wouldve done my best to get through the heavens gates of nordic imprisonment, just to get food and relaxation, some money and steady rythmm of life. looser you might think, but norwegian prisons really bake bread up under your arms to make you float through the system of punishment, and if the tv doesnt work, then youll be transfered to halden kretsfengsel, the heavenly oyster in noirwegian prison system.

so the reason for the welshman to go to denmark to break the law for a vacation in danish prisons are well delved over, and for sure a fat thought of good food and bed

its a film with lots of humble laughs, on behalf of a depressed person that really lives in a hassle. the main actor has this''marsian''surprised look that really tells half the story. it could have been even better elaborated how crime are dealt with up here among the trolls and vetter in the lands of the midnight sun, but if you just wanna creep in next to a depressed and repressed male welshman, then watch denmark.

the grumpy old man who has forgoitten half of the glossary learnt at school gives a recommend .
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