Coneheads (1993)
This is one of the most obnoxious films I have ever seen!
12 August 2020
"Coneheads" (1993), it's not very often that I see a movie that's so bad that I literally scream out of frustration. "Coneheads" is one of those rare exceptions! This "film" has an uninspired cliched story, overall horrible acting, boring sets/locations and a cliched generic soundtrack. The story, or lack thereof, is based off a sketch series from "Saturday Night Live" and an animated TV special made in 1983. Keep in mind, I have seen a few of the "Coneheads" shorts from Saturday Night Live. They are annoying, but still slightly more tolerable than this "film". Maybe they're better off being showcased in small doses? Either way, the concept sucks, the characters are not creative and it's a dumb idea. So, what happens when some moron on drugs says: "hey, this would make a really good movie. Let's green-light production!" Yeah, I don't know what they were smoking or drinking that day either. This "film" was doomed from the start as a result of a mediocre concept and a poorly written screenplay. As a matter of fact, the original creator of "Coneheads", Tom Davis, was not impressed by the choices made by the producers. That's pretty bad! Film Making 101: if you're going to make a film based on a concept, then make sure you follow the concept. Is that so much to ask? If you're not going to follow the elements of the source material, then don't make the movie, period! Besides, whatever happened to originality and creativity? To be honest, I can't recall any scene, or line from this "film". That just shows how boring, dull and stupid it is! Every scene is so obnoxious, that I could literally pull my hair out. Whenever any of the Coneheads spoke, it was like a cheese grater against my forehead! Could their voices be any more irritating?! Okay, to be fair, one part did actually make me laugh a little. The scene where Connie Conehead takes her dive into the pool, and there's no splash. That's funny, if only the rest of the "movie" was like that! All right, I've criticized the story enough, let's move on. The acting is nothing short of a disgrace from all of the actors and actresses. Even Dan Aykroyd couldn't save this "film"! Another big shock is that he was involved with the original "Saturday Night Live" sketch and the 1983 animated special. He must have been pretty desperate for a gig! The only somewhat tolerable Conehead character is Connie Conehead, played by Michelle Burke. She is the least annoying of the Coneheads, and the only actor that seems to be putting any relevance of effort into her performance. As for the human characters in this "film", they are just dull and give simply subpar performances with their roles. Such a crying shame, because most of the actors and actresses subjected to this "movie" have acted well in other films and TV shows! What happened to them here? All of the sets/locations are dull and just adds to the never-ending boredom that is this "movie". Finally, the soundtrack is nothing but a joke. I honestly can't recall any notes of music from this film score. That's bad, because David Newman has written much better soundtracks than this heap! The only good element in this "movie" is the special effects. Yeah, some of them do get a bit cheesy at times. But overall, they are actually well-done and still hold up today. Remember, good special effects are no excuse for a bad movie! Overall, I give this "film" a 1 out of 5 star rating which equates to 2 out of 10 stars. For all that you're worth, save your dignity and just stay away from this "film". Whoever green-lit this "movie" should be kidnapped by aliens, along with the Coneheads, and never be allowed to return to Earth ever again!
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