14 August 2020
Critics would have you believe independent movies are usually better than most big budget movies. In fact, very few independent movies are interesting, let alone good, let alone great. Most are like this movie. They take 20 or less minutes of actual story and stretch it to 90 or more minutes. I was going to detail and put a number count on all the many stretches but that would be spoiling, as if this beyond boring movie shouldn't be spoiled, and it would take way too long to name them all seeing how 90% of this alleged movie is stretching scenes. In a nutshell, constantly nothing happening scenes where the totally mundane is shown with music playing instead of dialogue. This 500 dollar budget movie may have taken it to a new level however since even the very, very few times and spread out times the totally uninteresting characters are speaking to each other, they're still taking long pauses, whispering or talking very slowly. This is barely ahead of A Quiet Place in word count and 10 times worse and 100 times more boring than that bad movie. I'm having a hard time thinking of a more boring, nothing happening movie I've watched in my 50 years. The one review I can see as I write this claims a 10 out of 10 and Sabrina Carpenter "crushed this role". Sabrina is in practically every shot in this movie and says and does less in 90 minutes than any 20 something minute episode of Girl Meets World where she isn't in every scene. Hard to "crush" a role when you're not acting but simply eating, sitting, driving, walking, reading, writing or staring 90% of the movie. Being a Sabrina fan isn't an excuse for a ridiculous 10 out of 10 when many people don't give Schindler's List or Titanic 10 out of 10. Watch paint dry or listen to golf on the radio. Both will be far more interesting and exciting than this movie.
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