really bad that it becomes cheesy and good, and the gore makes it more cheesy
14 August 2020
I went totally blind into this flick. I do that more and more because trailers are mostly tricking you. Already over 25 year sold and having Denise Richards in it, what could go wrong?

Well, if you ever pick this up and taking it seriously then you will be left with a bitter feeling and even as you might think it's a comedy, wrong again.

I don't know if the production took it seriuosly but hell. The sound is mostly just one the edge of distorded. Some shots are blurry. In some shots you can see the rew makingshadows on the wall behind the actors and they aren't standing still, and even a mic can be spotted here and there.

But why watch it? simply if you dig cheesy gory flicks then it's a must see. Effects are really cheap and funny sometimes but hey, the gore is attached. And then we have the dinosaur. It's mechanical but once transformed with a human brain it comes alive and it's out for revenge and it's the T-rex that makes it funny, and of course the reaction of the cops. The arms of the T even giving the big finger.

So, cheesy lovers or B movie lovers pick it up. Don't take it serious and then you may even like it. Denise geeks do know that she is in most flicks for her beauty, which she shows the last minutes. I never heard of this flick until a week ago but I well never forget it.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1/5
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