It gave me a few laughs, but it probably relies a little too heavily on nostalgia
3 September 2020
When they learn that their alter egos are the subject of a reboot the eponymous Jay and Silent Bob head off to Hollywood to prevent the film from being made. Along the way they encounter some unexpected cargo and learn some home truths/unexpected life lessons whilst undertaking this journey...

Whilst I found the Jay and silent Bob reboot to be fairly enjoyable it did not really get the belly laughs from me that the original film got; although I am prepared to accept that I watched the original film at the cinema and haven't watched it since. Therefore, perhaps as I'm now quite a bit older (and believe me it's depressing for me to hear teenagers refer to people born before the 1990's as being old - like dude wtf??). However, there is a slight issue in watching 2 men who are in their late 40's still trying to behave like they are in their 20's. In fairness, the film offsets this slightly with Jay's character being forced to grow up a bit, but somehow it just doesn't work quite as well here or come off as convincingly.

The story in itself is quite flimsy and silly and in some ways it's hard to overlook the fact that this film may have merely acted as a very cheap way for a lot of cast members from Kevin Smith's previous films just to have something of a reunion. I can imagine that they all had fun making this film, but the feeling is that it was probably more fun for them than it was for the audience.

Not wishing to be too mean I have to admit that the film still has its funny moments and as director Kevin Smith deserves some credit for the self-deprecating approach that he brought to the material (which is arguably one of the film's biggest strengths).

It doesn't touch the original film and the sheer number of cameos shoehorned into the film does make the film reek of desperation, but the film still had some funny moments, but the film itself will probably appeal more to Kevin Smith and his peers rather than a mainstream audience.
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