Dreadful acting from the main character who spoke mostly under his breath. The script is terrible and the final third of film is a disaster..
6 September 2020
It's easy to see that this film was made by a rapper who thinks he's a director.. This film had a terrible script and the overacting was just so obvious..The main character just couldn't act to save his life and I couldn't understand a word he was saying most of the time so subtitles would have been handy. The main villain just didn't fit the part and he just looked awful.. At the end there's this malcom x type mystery black crime boss as the film takes a plunge into spiritual overtones and philosophical sayings which was bordering on cringe. I felt like I was watching some weird masonic ritual gone wrong on YouTube. Ethan Hawk playing the crooked politician even came across like he was overacting and the film just made no sense at all to me. Straight to dvd for me with this film.. Don't waste your money.
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