Technical department Excellent! but...
15 September 2020
Premise: I decided to view this work only and exclusively for third parties, therefore, no personal initiative of what led me to view it.

Since I was not aware of the story just told, first it was a duty to inform me, reading and viewing information documents.

Very good technical side. A scenography with attention to the smallest details, settings and perfect attires.

A rather ridiculous editing in some sequences accompanied by a mediocre script.

So, technically I find it a work studied in detail, but unfortunately I don't find any care of the plot and the various subjects.

Plot that in the long run gets lost, with the introduction of subjects that are subsequently not deepened enough.

Overall I consider it "not" a total failure, but a misinterpretation of an artifact with an excellent potential not exploited to the maximum by our dear Roman Polanski.

Thank you.

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