Disrespectful, bad acting, writing, and pure trash.
22 September 2020
I seen this movie advertised, even after wondering how it could be seen thru her eyes, as she never left notes of those days, a stranger named Glen around, or mentioned him to anyone. She did mention to friends, family and cops her fear of her ex.

You keep thinking it will get better. Nope dismiss that wish. It only gets worse. Total disrespect to their lives, brutal deaths, and memories. It was a waste of film, they should have burned this.

If this serial killer was involved police would have known, defense surely would have known etc.

Goldman and Brown families: I am so sorry they created more hurt, and pain for you. I thought it would be fact based, or never would have helped them make money off your tragedy. If you can sue please do it. They should not be allowed to trash your loved ones to make a quick buck, and get away with it. Its obvious who was behind it, keeping his name clear tho.

Anyone, with any sort of brain knows the killer. The one acquitted due to a bias jury, defenses games and tactics, money, fame ,race ,the list goes on as u well know. The sick man even left the kids asleep upstairs, to find their moms body. Doesn't get much lower than that. There was, and is plenty of evidence of his past domestic violence with Nicole. Yet he was convicted once, got community service. He had some type golf charity allowed as community service total bull.

The system failed her, even in the end. Ron bravely fought to save her. Why was the abuser not put away, done something with, in a country where all are supposed to be equal, the rich never are held accountable. He wrote if I did it as a slap in the face, after acquitted, due double jeopardy, he could scream it from rooftops.

The DNA doesn't lie, he was there, cut on his finger, their blood on and in bronco, as well as on his socks, and inside his home. Defense maybe explain Nicole's, she used to live there , being in the home. When did Ron Goldman drop by and bleed ?

Found guilty in civil court, he ran to Florida, so his money would be untouchable. Never got a penny, the only punishment left. That's true scum. Used kids as pawns to her family to be quiet.

All of it makes my skin crawl. Her ignored cries for help, because he was rich and famous. The jury pushing black power fist pumps, after the acquittal. Their death, and letting the killer walk, was one disgusting payback for wrongs of the past, neither Ron nor Nicole had any part of.

Ruining a cops career trying to use words for a play as motive for a set up total bs. He had zero reason, as comes to the victims.

I will never forget as I , with the rest of a shocked world, heard not guilty. Was a moment sealed in my mind, as the day I lost faith in our justice system.

Save yourself time, and energy. Don't pay them to trash victims. Watch a fact based documentary, just don't watch this.
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