True fiction
26 September 2020
Amityville - I don't even know how many movies have been made under the name/story. I also think that even if I had read up on the true story, I wouldn't or couldn't tell what really was or happened, because I've seen a bunch of these movies and they all add a bit or maybe even take a bit away. That being said, this is an "origin" story. With all the sequels apart from the reboots, you gotta sell it somehow don't you? That was a rhetorical question of course.

Having said that, I was quite surprised by the very stellar cast this assembled. Now it may not be the best horror movie out there, but it sets a mood and it is quite consistent throughout. Tension is high and even if you know where this is going (though even unfamiliar people will guess the outcome), it really is nicely told. The madness takes form and you can see why certain things are happening. Which is all a testament to the performance of the dad ... but also the others that are involved. I'm surprised this got so poorly rated, but you can't please everyone of course.
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