Review of Enslaved

Enslaved (2020)
Provoking Awareness, Compassion, and Evolution
26 September 2020
Yes, this documentary TV series, like every other creative work (e.g., symphony, TV program, movie, play, sporting event, religious ceremony) is designed to provoke. What? How? That ultimately lies with each unique viewer and the unconscious conditioning and perspective brought to the experience. As with every other offering, there are constraints of scope with which to contend. No, this is not an exhaustive documentary on all civilizations of all periods of time through all dimensions of reality on the space-time continuum. However, it does share a portion of history to which most of us haven't been privy. Again, what we choose to do with that information is the responsibility of the viewer. I've chosen to embrace this as an opportunity to develop awareness and compassion, for the enslavers and enslaved. This has spurred my long standing curiosity with the human mind and its capacity to nurture and steadfastly hold onto conflicting thoughts and values. How can we transcend the inherently dichotomous structure of the mind and become our highest and best? This series feeds my insatiable yearning to learn, understand, love, and evolve. What is your appetite?
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