Amazing story of Russian resistance
27 September 2020
First of all, this is not a history lesson. This is a film made during the wartime to garner public support for war effort and so whatever propaganda people might complain about is acceptable. Enemy of your enemy is your friend and during WW2, Russia became an ally of allied powers.

The movie talks in details about Russia's rich resources and what would happen to the world of Nazi power got control of it. After that they have taken few big events and given real footage of the battle. The scale of the allied support is captured correctly. The movie takes 50 mins to go over entire 2 and a half year of great struggle so instead of going over every important detail, the director decided to go with the human element of the war. It's more appealing because of it. I hope to see many such movies of how allies worked with each other to dethrone largest military force in human history.
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