Review of Stella

Stella (2019 TV Movie)
27 September 2020
La maladroit

The movie La maladroit means Awkwardness but the intended meaning is Clumsy. The movie is based on the book by Alexandre Seurat - who co-scripted the movie along with Director Eleonore Faucher.

It tells the real-life story of a 8 year old girl Marina Sabalier (b 2001) who was abused, tortured and killed by her parents Virginie and Eric in August 2009. In the movie the child is named Stella.

Marina was an unwanted child taken into government care- but within a month retrieved back by Virginie on re-establishing relationship with Eric. Violence on Marina began very early - who had crooked finger since 1 year of age, she was systematically abused, tortured, maltreated, malnourished in a very cruelly and inhuman ways - kicking, punching, lashing belting, beating with iron rods, placing her under cold showers, holding her head under water, making her walk on gravel, gagging her mouth with a duct tape, fastening her to bed and forcing her to eat salt, vinegar and vomit and starving her for several days.

In 2006 Virginie's sister had complained to government agency about these abuses, but could not convince them to take action. In 2007, a school teacher suspected maltreatment but after talking to father, believed about a genetic disorder. In 2008, in a new school the teacher received reports from earlier teacher about suspicion of abuse and referred the case to social security, where medical examiner counted 19 injuries on the little girl. In 2009, Marina had severe foot injuries when she joined her new school - she was sent to hospital treatment for 5 weeks and upon recovery sent back to parents. Later a social worker who went to visit Marina at her home did not suspect any foul play. On 6-7 August 2009, Marina was brutally abused and tortured and left naked in the basement - where she died. The last words she spoke was "Good Night Mummy, see you tomorrow"

It was only on 9 September 2009, Eric alerted the police about disappearance of their daughter and within three days the parents confessed of their crime. In July 2012 the parents were convicted for 30 years, but courts could not comprehend their motives and targeting Marina.

Lack of coordination and follow-up with Government child-protection agencies and their failure to protect resulted in Marina's brutal death.

The movie is directed superbly with extreme sensitiveness by Directress Eleoneor. The casting of all characters is perfect. Elsa Hyvaert is playing Marina's role (Stella) has given a truly remarkable performance. Without showing a single scene of abuse the movie makes us feel the heart-wrenching pain. I just wanted Marina to live and not die. I cried in helplessness that was there no one to stop this and save Marina? How can human beings be so cruel to their own children? The movie is so disturbing and reminds us that LOVE is the only answer to humanity's problems.

I look forward to read the book in English translation - that is currently available only in French.

(I will go with 8 out of 10 for this movie)
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