Review of Tread

Tread (2019)
10 October 2020
This documentary about Marvin Heemayer bulldozing select individuals places of business and the town hall was meh. The documentary goes out of its way to try to make Marv sound like he went totally bonkers by using recordings of Marv talking about how god told him to do this. It repeats sections of the recordings too to reiterate that the documentary is trying to paint him as batpoop crazy. Out of over 270+ minutes of tape recordings Marv left explaining his motive, the documentary chose to use the parts of the recordings where Marv is talking about god.

So, of the over 270+ minute of recordings, it went with using 5 minutes of Marv talking about god and 5 minutes of Marv barely explaining his motive in all. The documentary doesn't really examine or present Marv's motive other than suggesting he was crazy. It doesn't get any deeper than that even though the recordings Marv left left a fairly nuanced rationale for why he did what he did. The documentary couldn't be bothered to include the full picture because then Marv wouldn't have seemed as crazy. There's is a part in the documentary where they try to make it seem like Marv dumped his girlfriend because she was smoking cigarettes. The only reason to randomly include that was to paint him as bonkers. Riveting stuff

The documentary seems to suggest the only thing people care about or should care about is money. Marv wouldn't sell his property that would've netted him a huge profit from it. Him refusing to sell his property and place of business is apparently extremely confusing to the person that made this documentary and for almost everyone interviewed. The rich people that ran the town and tried to run him out of their territory and town were baffled by Marv not selling. The documentary makes no effort to examine or take a critical look into the truthfulness of what Marv was claiming. It just takes the rich people that ran the town and their friends and relatives on the city council on their word alone. In the interviews, they just deny that they tried to screw Marv over and that they didn't understand why he wouldn't sell.

Funnily enough, the people in the city council and the town police ceased being on the city council or a cop in 2004. Why that is is not looked into. The people calling this documentary "fair and balanced" seem to be using an unusual meaning for the term. The bulldozer was the only interesting part. Other than that, the documentary wasn't good, nor compelling, or insightful. It seems like very little research was put into this documentary.
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