Required viewing for every US citizen. Also an easy watch!
22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent documentary detailing the US pandemic response comparing what the Trump Administration did with the public health "pandemic response playbook" that the CDC created years ago (and updates on an annual basis). South Korea followed it and has had less than 25% of the death rate that we have had with no national lockdown needed.

The conclusion voiced by Dr. Tom Friedan, the former CDC Director 2009-2017: "There's a misconception that public health failed. The truth is that political leaders failed to follow public health guidance, and that's what caused avoidable disease, death and economic destruction."

And while I don't want to spoil anything, at the end of the film they play an audio clip of President Trump saying how dangerous and deadly the coronavirus is on February 7th (to Bob Woodward.) It's in his own words! You'd have to have lived under a rock the last eight months if you don't know that completely contradicts much of what he's said publicly. I was also surprised to learn that we had an American N95 mask manufacturer here in the USA that not only warned the administration repeatedly of impending PPE shortages before the coronavirus even was making people sick in China, but he volunteered to make 7 million masks a month to cover healthcare workers early on as long as he could get some assurances from the government and they refused repeatedly.

What upset me the most? That every scientist or medical professional who shares information that doesn't conform to the Administration's party line is silenced or fired. You can't trust the CDC, the FDA, FEMA, and who knows who else that falls under Executive Branch purview. This is how great democracies fall into demagoguery. And that's a slippery slope to tyranny.
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