Mara Maru (1952)
In one of Warner Bros.' harshest attacks ever upon . . .
28 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . a crass cult of perverse mercenaries masquerading as a "religious" sect, this always eponymous film studio shows that even ROBIN HOOD himself can fall prey to this vile den of vipers' "Take from the Poor, Give to the Rich" credo. The prophetic prognosticators of Warner use MARA MARU to warn America of the apocalyptic catastrophe in store for the USA if the Red Commie Kremlin is allowed to use their Pachyderm Party pawns to pack our Supreme Court with SIX such idolaters worshiping gold, silver, rubies and diamonds during robotic pagan rituals full of mumbo jumbo. Unitarians or Shakers would NEVER dream to gather the daily gruel cents and vaccination funds from The Poor to finance a $43.9 million (adjusted for inflation) jeweled Golden Calf-like idol for use in what can only be described as Black Masses. Though Robin (aka, "Greg") eschews this Lucre of Lucifer during this flick's finale, that's more than can be said of 2020 America.
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