A dive into a depressed man's fantasy as reality begins to rot in front of him.
2 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mermaid in a manhole follows an Artist who has recently lost his wife to some unknown circumstance, he goes down into the sewer to paint the many hidden treasures he finds down there that remind him of his childhood. While down there he stumbles upon a beautiful mermaid whom is injured and decides to take her back to his house to paint her.

The film leaves small clues that not everything is what it seems.

She is then placed in a bathtub where her condition grows worse as she begins to disintegrate into tumors, blood, puss and vomitting up worms. But she keeps insisting to him "you need to finish my painting so I can die." He then paints of her with the seven colors of her own puss. (At her request) then her intestines explode out of her onto the floor and she finally dies after he finally adds the last horrific detail to his portrait of her.

What comes next will make anyone's jaw hit the floor, as he begins to chop her body to pieces in a depressed frustration as its revealed the Mermaid was carrying a child? The main character shocked and as confused as us finds a dead foetus inside the mermaid after cutting her up.

He is then thrown into jail where the officers suggest "he killed his wife" while our main character keeps insistings "no it was the mermaid." it ends on a ambigious ending as the officers have also found fish scales at the house and are unsure where they came from. Though the ending and the fact the mermaid's voice comes straight from the artist's head suggests indeed the mermaid was never real and that this man just killed his pregnant wife. Although we dont see a reveal that it was really her.

When the film finished I had a few questions for example. Did the artist kill his wife before or after he went down into the sewer? Im going to assume before, since the likely case is that the mermaid fantasy was imagined up to hide the fact what he's talking to and painting is really the corpse of his beloved.

His neighbors who are suspcious of him mention a detail that his wife "left him" which gives some credit to my next insight.

The addition of the baby also might give us a clue, that probably why he killed his wife was because he found out she had been impregnated by another man. Which might also explain why the baby isnt part of his delusional fantasy, and why he dreamt up a mermaid instead of his wife. As a mermaid is sometimes a symbol of purity.

If you have the stomach, and want to see a very artistic depressing story. I highly recommend it. Also for you gore hounds out there, you'll enjoy this one.
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