Mara Maru (1952)
A decent film with a less than convincing finale.
22 November 2020
Gregory (Errol Flynn) has received word from his partner to return. But when he arrives, his partner isn't waiting for him but is out getting drunk. Not only that, the man is surly and threatens Gregory. What gives? Obviously the partner did NOT contact him but someone else. But who and why? Well, before these questions can be answered, all sorts of stuff happens to poor Gregory. First, his partner is found dead and he is accused of the killing. Second, someone lights Gregory's boat ablaze...killing a young mate in the process. Soon, all sorts of disreputable characters show up and want Gregory to help them with a treasure hunt...but it seems very, very likely that they mean to do him harm.

This is a decent noir-like film. My only gripes are that it enjoyable but should have been more enjoyable given the plot. And, the ending to me felt like a movie ending...but not necessarily a believable one. Worth seeing but easy to miss as well.
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