Ökozid (2020 TV Movie)
22 November 2020
It has long ceased to be a question of left or conservative politics. First of all, the movie is an very important document esp. for the European population, to see how much and to which extent the several German Governments between 2000 and 2020 are involved in not following the necessary Climate and Ecological Politics to save the world. This is a fact. The next point is, that the movie is working throught the history of German and European Politics, considering the Industry and Business as the most important factor in all societies. I remember listening to chancellor Merkel many years ago, that she said: There is no alternative to growth. And this is the dilemma. That in the heads of Socialist and Conservative Governments never was an alternative to growth. they supported all industries to an inbelievable high extent. You, we, our children, grandchildren and all following generations will inherit a dystopian, nightmarish future, because no one feels responsible. Veiel is making a well-crafted film that was shot in the summer at a rapid pace and is already coming out a few months later. It seems a little lengthy at first, but just keeps getting better. The actors work well, but under high pressure, it seems, so that the characters cannot be told. But all in all better than good.
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