Review of Mara Maru

Mara Maru (1952)
E Flynn, R Burr in ocean adventure
4 December 2020
Some familiar faces here, besides the tall, dashing Errol Flynn; Dan Seymour was the big, police chief in To Have and Have Not, and plays a similar role here. Ray Burr was Perry Mason and Ironsides. In Maru, Flynn is Mason, a diver, searching for undersea treasure near the Philipines. his business partner, Callahan, is a mean drunk, and even threatens to knock him off, right at the start of the film, in front of tons of witnesses. foreshadow ? Later, when a dead body is found, Mason is a suspect, and must try to clear his own name. and when he digs, he finds himself in company with some dangerous men. Now we're on the hunt for diamonds. that various people desire. it's a matter of trust, all around. and on top of that, they are caught in a squall. as an experienced sailor, I'd have thought Mason would have waited for the storm to subside... .but he doesn't... odd. it's very good! a fair amount of suspense, as the alliances and loyalty change. some turns along the way. directed by Gordon Douglas; didn't win oscars, but directed some of the biggies like Up Periscope, Stagecoach, Mr. Tibbs. sadly, Flynn would die young at 59, just seven years after this film.
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