Italian/Spanish Sci-Fi co-production set in a dystopian World and well set in the barren desert of Almeria
16 December 2020
Planet Earth : 3000 AD . A thousand ways to die . One way to survive. Into the battlefield of nuclear mutants and vicious bikers come the Exterminators and emerging a new hero : Alien . A group of survivors ruled by the Senator : Eduardo Fajardo , are living at a cave run out of water , then they desperately need new supply . As a brave and thirsty group is formed , their mission : go to encounter the valuable and vital water . 10-year-old little boy: Luca Venantini , joins undercover to the team , but a band of savage motorcycles pursues them . Appearing a new hero , Alien : Robert Iannucci , a Calvin Klein ex-model, as a rebel drifter and subsequently joins a beautiful and two-fisted heroine called Trash : Alicia Moro . Meet the new breed of Road Warriors ! ? They killed to survive...

So-so but acceptable Science Fiction film into of the Post-nuke sub-genre with noisy action, thrills , chills , moving scenes and funcional special effects . This is a futuristic film of survival in which a valiant and tough bunch sets out in search for the precious water to survive . It concerns a desert and barren World with out water , that's why is is very well set in Almería, Andalucía, Spain , in this location was shot in the 60s and 70s lots of Spaguetti/Paella Westerns , including the famous Trilogy of the dollar by Sergio Leone . It packs spectacular chases with skillful stunts and without computer generator effects . From start to finish unstopped action and thrilling scenes are continuous . The film takes parts here and there of other films as "The Road Warrior" by George Miller and his Mad Max saga , "Megaforce" by Hal Nedham , "Death Race" by Paul Bartel and following the wake of Enzo G Castellari films as "1990 Bronx Warriors" , "Escape from the Bronx" , "New Barbarians" . There are familiar faces in the cast as Fernando Bilbao playing the ruthless Crazy Bull who played several Spaguetti Western along with Eduardo Fajardo , Venantino Venantini who is father of the sympathetic boy Luca Venantini and Beryl Cunningham as a nasty black warrior , Anna Orso , Allan Collins considered to be the Italian Peter Lorre as Papillon .

The motion picture made in medium budget was regular but professionally directed by Giuliano Carmineo who often used pseudonym Anthony Ascott . He was a good craftsman who directed movies of all kinds of genres . Being his especiality Spaghetti Western genre , such as : "The moment to kill", "Find a place to die" , "They call him Cemetery" , "They call me Hallaluya", and Sartana movies as " Have a Good Funeral, My Friend Sartana Will Pay" , "Sartana the Gravedigger" , "Light the Fuse Sartana is Coming" .Though he also made other genres as Giallo : "The Case of the Bloody Iris" , "Ana ese particular Placer" , and fantasy as "Computron 22" and Terror : "The Rat Man" , among others.
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