Great for what it is. If only it knew what that was.
29 December 2020
You Are My Home is the Christmas Movie equivalent of marrying the safe and secure rebound person after the love of your life smashes your heart to pieces. Give me three more paragraphs and I shall explain.

Normally a movie of this caliber wouldn't warrant my attention past the time it takes to watch it. However while browsing IMDB for some of the actors other works, I noticed a few reviews that perplexed me. I, myself, am a huge fan of accuracy. Pair that trait with indomitable optimism, and you get a person that will encourage you to love the worst movie that's ever been made, PROVIDED you ENJOY it. Love what you love. But be honest about it. Don't try and pretend that Fast and Furious is Shakespeare, love it for what it is.

You Are My Home is worth the time it takes to watch it. It's a Christmas story that admonishes the havoc that has been caused by American Border practices. The problem with the direction of this particular story is that when put together these two ideas become less than the sum of their parts. Is it good to make a movie to help us re-examine how our border policies are affecting real humans? Absolutely. Is it fun to watch a movie about an Unlikely Couple brought together by a plucky child? One Hundred Percent. But these two themes seem to try and compete for attention in this movie rather than collaborate to make the message more effective.

The message I came away with was this. The director of this movie did not have mastery of the kind of story they wanted to tell. So they ended up putting a foot in both camps. Sometimes mixing these types of genres creates magic. In the case of You Are My Home, it watered down both sides. Overall, I'd rate this movie a 6/10. But given my desire for accuracy, I have given it a 4/10 to try and balance the scale a bit. Because I enjoyed this movie, and I want you to enjoy it too. But that means being honest about what it is. And this movie is a very well-meaning but very confused mess of themes and ideas. So forget your expectations and enjoy it for what it is.
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