Traditional Christmas treasure
31 December 2020
We watch The Box of Delights every year at Christmas. There is nothing to match it for the atmosphere of a traditional British Christmas, winter darkness, mystery and magic.

The series is very true to the book - at least as far as the special effects of the era permitted. There are some sequences that had to be omitted or adjusted. The blending of animation and live action was cutting edge at the time, and now has vintage charm that more than compensates for any lack of modern CGI (similarly to how the original Snow White is timeless).

The Box of Delights is also very well acted and the locations are spectacular. The snow scenes were filmed in Scotland during the very cold and snowy winter of 1984, and are magical.

I would urge fans of the series to read the book, if they haven't already. There is much to enjoy. John Masefield's other children's novel, The Midnight Folk, also features Kay Harker, Abner Brown and others. It would be wonderful to see a television series of it as well in future.
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