Meteor Moon (2020)
Oh, it's bad alright...
3 January 2021
The very moment that I saw the logo from The Asylum, I must admit that my expectations for the 2020 movie titled "Meteor Moon" went from being small to becoming none. Yeah, The Asylum aren't exactly known for making stellar movies. Sure, once in a blue moon they put out a movie that is actually worth the time and effort, but "Meteor Moon" wasn't one such movie.

I must admit that I was lured in by the movie's cover/poster and also because it had Dominique Swain on the cast list. But "Meteor Moon" definitely puts some truth into the saying "don't judge a book by its cover".

The storyline in "Meteor Moon", or what was supposed to resemble a storyline, was just utter rubbish. The majority of the things transpiring on the screen seemed like something that director Brian Nowak just made up as filming of the movie progressed. It is hard to imagine what writer Joe Roche was trying to accomplish with the script and storyline here in this movie, because very little made coherent sense and the movie was filled with massive plot holes and so many of the things happening just made little sense.

The special effects in the movie weren't all that bad. Sure, this wasn't up to par with the multi-million dollar Hollywood CGI blockbusters, but the special effects in "Meteor Moon" were actually fair enough, for a movie from The Asylum. So that at least works in favor of the movie.

Now, as for the acting. Well, let's just not venture down that path, shall we? I mean, I sat down to watch "Meteor Moon" partly because of it having Dominique Swain on the cast list, but her performance in this movie was just laughable.

For a natural disaster movie, "Meteor Moon" was bad. It was really, really bad. Trust me on this one. If you enjoy natural disaster movies, don't waste your money, time or effort on this one; some of us did so you don't have to.

My rating of "Meteor Moon" settles on a generous two out of ten stars. The movie's cover/poster was actually the best thing about the entire experience.
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