Tight, usual yet clever story
7 January 2021
Dublin Murders is not that dissimilar to True Detective season 3. Both are about missing children where one child survives. I haven't seen TD through to the end so I can't be definitive about the similarities, but I certainly found watching both to be a very rewarding experience (True Detective is HBO). True Detective is slower. I didn't find Dublin Murders slow at all, and wondered why a lead reviewer here at IMDb would claim that. The pace is awesome, and always interesting. Both series rely on flashbacks, but in TD it is more about the detectives, whereas in DM it is more about the children, though the detectives certainly have a large share of the flashbacks. I suspect both series throw a large number of red herrings about, certainly DM does. Don't let that dissuade you though, Dublin Murders is very clever writing indeed, in fact, I haven't seen anything quite like it. What I liked about both series is that despite both being believers in the modern trend that detectives' lives are more interesting and important than the actual victims (so irritating!!), in both shows these lives are genuinely interesting rather than cliched in terms of marriages, secrets and past trauma. The lead man in DM is a clever character study. You'll love him, then hate him, then find sympathy again. The lead woman is one of the strongest depictions of a strong woman I've yet seen, and a credit to a portrait of Irish femininity. In terms of the pace, one might note that DM is about three crimes, and all are riveting and tension-generating mysteries. Great performances, great casting, great writing, great production. Definitely not slow!!!
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